Winter is, in my opinion, one of the most precious seasons. It’s beauty and quietness is hands down one of my favorite times of the year. When Jackie and Matt got in touch with us to chat about their winter bridal portraits, I was so thrilled! Despite the cold temperatures, their shoot was one for the books! Their love for each other after nearly two years of marriage is simply adorable! Thank you so much for having me capture your wedding portraits. Check out their story below!

From Jackie :
• How did you two meet?
“Matt and I met in a really unbelievable way. I was living in Loveland and was moving into a bigger townhouse so I needed 2 roommates. All of my friends were already on a lease so I posted an ad on Craigslist for “awesome roommates only,” to respond to my ad. Matt contacted me saying he was moving into the area from Pennsylvania and would be working for Poudre Valley Health System. Low and behold, I too was working for Poudre Valley Health System so I knew Matt had gone through quite a few background checks and had to be pretty awesome to be working for PVHS. So we met the day we signed the lease for the townhouse. We went to coffee and then dinner after to get to know each other, moved in a few days later, and boom- the rest is history! We never got a third roommate…”
• How did Matt propose?
“Matt woke up early on Saturday October 4th 2014 to set up a beautiful display of flowers and mimosa makings and two ring boxes in our living room. I heard him making noise so I ran out to see what he was doing and to ask if we should go to Snooze since we were both up so early on a Saturday. I caught him rearranging everything on the table and to his surprise he said, “Wait! Go back! I’m not ready yet!” I asked what he was doing and he picked up one of the ring boxes, kept it in his hands while he said all of the reasons why he wanted to marry me, and then nervously opened the box to show me the ring, took it out and placed it on my hand. I, of course, said, “yes!” The second box was then presented to me, it was my mother’s wedding band and engagement ring with my birthstone in the center. He had used my mother’s diamond on my ring. We then had a mimosa and headed to Sam’s No. 3 for breakfast to celebrate. It was a sweet moment for me. He made it so special.”
• What’s your most memorable adventure together?
“Our most memorable adventure together would be a snow packed hike in Littleton, where we were slipping and sliding on top of the snow the whole time. We were laughing at one another often as we kept sliding around and helping one another to get to the top. At the top of the mountain Matt faux-proposed to me with a Reese’s candy bar! We were so muddy by the end of the hike that we ended up throwing away both of our tennis shoes. It was quite an adventure.”
• Why did you chose Evergreen Lake House for your bridal portraits?
“Taylor had made a great recommendation to use this area for pictures and we are so glad she did. We loved the Evergreen Lake House because of the gorgeous lake, surrounding mountains and trees, and overall beauty around it. Since we wanted it to be snowy, this was the perfect background to show our Colorado snow-packed mountains.”
• What’s your best piece of marriage advice for couples who are engaged?
“My best piece of advice for marriage is never assume your spouse knows your needs and wants just because you are married, and also never assume that you know theirs. Keep communication open at all times and be honest with yourselves. Always listen when they speak and never go to bed angry. Live each day to serve one another with love and understanding.”
• What’s your best advice for a couple planning their wedding right now?
“For the bride and groom planning their wedding… oh man. We got so stressed and stopped focusing on the biggest part of that day (committing to each other) that we sadly cancelled our wedding two weeks out. My advice to everyone is to keep the focus on YOU TWO; not the family, not those standing with you at the altar, not all of the crazy small details that need to get done for that day (use your friends and family for those), and keep the focus on the fact that you two are committing to one another in a special moment. When things get stressful, hold each other and remember what this day is supposed to be about. Also, ALWAYS get a copy of the contracts and do your research on all of the businesses you use! We were scammed out of thousands of dollars by an event company who we chose our venue and catering with…”
• What’s your favorite part about your marriage?
“My favorite thing about being married is being able to date my husband and grow with him for the rest of my life!”